BeachGames Chess

During the spring of 2018, I enrolled in a class which focused on the .NET framework. As you might expect, the class covered a lot of C# and WPF. The main project for the class involved creating a chess application complete with GUI. I was fortunate enough to work with fellow computer science student, Harold Agnote on this project. We decided to name our team BeachGames. Though this assignment is technically complete, Harold and I certainly plan to optimize the speed of our AI players in future builds. This was a really fun assignment and I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Harold on this project. Finally, none of this would have been possible without the excellent guidance of our instructor Neal Terrell. Feel free to download our project and give it a quick play. Once you've downloaded the .zip file, extract it and click on the .exe file to try it out.

(Note: the build currently available for download does not include the enemy AI)
